What's Included

6 Easy-to-follow modules + digital workbook designed to craft a plan that puts you first, takes the stress away from decision-making, and finally aligns your business and personal life without sacrificing what matters most to you. PLUS... get access to a bonus mastery session never released to the public.

  • Module 1: Vision Planning - This segment helps you identify your support system and turn your dream into a reality using the "5W" Method.

  • Module 2: Action - Leverage The Hierarchy of Womanhood to prioritize the many roles you play as a woman so you're no longer suffering from Superwoman Syndrome.

  • Module 3: Lifestyle - Redesign your lifestyle by using a simple method to take control of your time, resources, and energy.

  • Module 4: Impact - Identify the key areas of life where you're being both positively and negatively impacted so you can finally find peace and freedom.

  • Module 5 - Decision-Making: Leverage the MIA Systematic Approach so you can make concrete decisions that align with how you want to show up personally and professionally.

  • Bonuses - Get the digital guide and access to the private, unreleased mastery session "How to Overcome Self-Sabotage."

The simple system women in sales use to bridge the gap between life and business.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to The VALID System

    1. Module 1 - Vision Planning

    2. Module 2 - Accountability + Action

    3. Module 3 - Lifestyle

    4. Module 4 - Impact

    5. Module 5 - Decision-Making

    6. Module 6 - Wrap Up

    1. The VALID System eBook

    2. Private Mastery Session - How to Overcome Self-Sabotage

About this course

  • $27.00
  • 9 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Social proof: testimonials

“Welp! Tomorrow I'm officially "back in the office" but today I: - ordered meal prep for the week; - sent out reference requests to a nanny; and - sent out first round interview requests for a weekly housecleaner; and - started the search for a personal assistant! Hoping to have my personal/ home care team solidified by the end of the month!”

Ashley K.

“Felicia-- you are AMAZING.... Like... just.... I'm sitting here in awe. It's an honor to learn from you... I thought to DM you this but naw. Sis, you are getting this love publicly.”

Altimese C.

“You have completely changed the way I make moves as a woman, wife, and CEO. Now, I always ask myself 'What would RICH Sharlrita do?'”

Sharlrita D.